Chance Keso

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Quarantine Photo Excursion - Garden Edition

I apologize for the prolonged absence from my website. As you may know, the world is currently grappling with the Covid-19 pandemic, and it has affected us all in one way or another. In my hometown of Kellogg, Idaho, life went on relatively unchanged, with just a slight drop in activity levels. However, when the stay-at-home order was put in place, I lost my seasonal job, and found myself alone for about 20 days. Eventually, I became tired of solitude and decided to visit my parents in Port Orchard.

Today was a quiet day, and we didn't tackle any household projects. Instead, I went for a walk, a kettlebell workout, and a 5-mile bike ride. Afterwards, while lounging in the sun, I realized it had been two months since I last picked up my camera. Reading "Creative Calling" by Chase Jarvis, an idea struck me - to wander the garden with a 24mm lens and restrict myself to that focal length, in an effort to challenge my creative abilities in a familiar setting. The photos below were taken with a Nikon 24mm 2.8D lens and a Nikon D610 camera body. Note that some colors may appear slightly off, as I am currently working without my art monitor, but I will have it back soon.

Until next time,

- Chance