Chance Keso

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Road Tripping to Iowa

Well.. I’m sitting here in Rapid City, South Dakota. I’d rather be sitting in the Black Hills National Forest camping like I had planned on. Sometimes things don’t go the way you plan. Sometimes your tire hits something and shears down to the steel cable in the tire. Now I’m waiting for a new set BFG KO2’s to get delivered to Point S Tire here in Rapid City. Of course, they’re an oddball size and no one has them in stock anywhere in town or nearby. So, that means I’m sitting here in the trailer at KOA for the next couple of days. Luckily the little store the KOA has sells beer. That will help the time go by.

Anyways, I’m currently on my way to Iowa to visit my sister for a bit. After that, It’s time to hit the road back to Washington. Though It’s going to be a slow one. Two to three weeks to come back home. There is a number of places I want to go spend some time on the way back. Places like The Badlands, Bruneau Sand Dunes, Jackson, I could make a big list here but I won’t I don’t have many set destinations. Mostly going to see where the roads lead (or wherever looks pretty rad).

Stay tuned to the blog and Instagram to see where I end up going. There won’t be tons of fully processed photos from this journey until I get back home. I work from a gaming laptop, so color accuracy isn’t the best, even when calibrated. If the colors look off that would be why. I’ll make corrections and upload corrected photos when I am able to. Once I am home I’ll be back on my art monitor to create a series of photos from the trip.

Have any recommendations of things to see while I’m out here? Shoot me an email and let me know!

Until next time,
