Hazy beach days

As you all know the world is basically on fire. It’s been hard to sit back and watch all the wildfires destroy the forests across North America. My brother and his wife have been stuck inside with the smoke from the Oregon wildfires. We all decided it was time to try and get away from the smoke as much as we could. We all decided to head out to the Washington coast to escape it a little bit. The air quality still wasn’t the best, but the sea air felt so refreshing in comparison to what we had all been in. It was a few days of quality family time, flying kites, running on the beach, and driving on the beach with my love.

Luckily as I am writing this the rain has finally come back to the Pacific North West. It’s been long overdue and much needed.

Stay safe out there.

All photos shot on Nikon Z7 + FTZ Adapter + Nikon 50mm 1.8G. Post processing CaptureOne Pro.